Monday, December 27, 2010

But only in the sweet freedom in the realm of dreams can men be truly happy

How many times have you woken up in the morning with a big grin on your face only to realize after some time that it was JUST a dream? When you struggle to come to terms to the fact that such a clear picture was all just a figment of imagination. You say to yourself, “was it really a dream?” Sometimes we even end up convincing ourselves of it happening some time back in our lives because we want it to happen howsoever unrealistic it might be. But the question I ask You, my friends, does that make us truly happy?

Good morning judges and my dear friends, I am Gagandeep Singh Bhatia and I’ll be speaking against the motion, “But only in the sweet freedom in the realm of dreams can men be truly happy.”

I’ll admit to the fact that no human being on this whole wide planet is glad with their lives. The human mind is witness to countless events everyday and it maps them so precisely that with just a small pause we can recall them. Without the feelings of nostalgia or retrospection I think we would be quite lost. That is why every night when we close our eyes, we travel through to this meticulous land knitted by our mind whose thread is made of our desires, our aims , our expectations and our inhibitions. We might see ourselves falling into a deep pit or flying high with the albatross, it’s our mind and it’s our soul. No one can negotiate their dreams. No government or legislature can curtail them. It’s just that sense of independence.

Freedom, oh so sweet freedom, the power to act without any imposed constraints.. The power to act or perform as our will imposes on us. The exuberant feeling of unchained liberty. Freedom might differ in its definition for different people. For an average man it might be just about being safe and for a rich man, it would mean much more for freedom would culminate various luxuries of life without which he might not really feel “free”.

Even though freedom in reality might be subjective in nature, it’s the liberty in the realm of dreams that really makes us common. You could be a rickshaw puller or an investment banker, the fact of the matter is you realize that you have to go back to your respective lives once you’re out of the cozy boundaries of your dreams. For that instinctive moment, you might be fooled into a feeling of happiness but it’s a just façade. A face which can only last that long.

Jack Kerouac, the famous writer of the Beat Generation, said, ““Avoid the world, it's just a lot of dust and drag and means nothing in the end.”

The Beat Generation was considered to be the bohemian hedonists who celebrated non conformity and spontaneous creativity inspiring rejection of mainstream values of society. They transformed a whole era of hippies for whom realm of dreams was enough to be content. We might be here today debating whether today’s motion is indeed true or not. My opponents’ arguments might still be strong but my friends, an entire by gone era of sixties realized that it was not to be. AN ENTIRE GENERATION.

All of them did come to terms to the fact that being even partially happy in reality was a better proposition then living in your own sweet free world. The same generation did give birth to a new league. A league of entrepreneurs, executives, economists, politicians, marketers etc

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